Reforms on medical personnel training in
the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic
Institute of History after A.Bakikhanov
of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.
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other countries that at present practice transition period
must be mentioned that health specialists training has a direct impact on people’s
sound development. Hence, an intensive work is being carried out in the fields-
training of modern medical specialists, organization of educational
establishments with an eye to develop competency level of present cadre
reserve, solidity of material and technical basis.
national leader Heydar Aliyev said: “There are people with high knowledge, high
specialty, high science in
1993 the number of qualified doctors in
between 1993-1994 AMU after N.Narimanov sent graduates of therapeutics (17),
pediatry (10), stomatology(4), pharmaceutics(2) to Nakhchivan AR on appointment,
over 50% of them substituted it for Baku owing to their marital status. [4]
medical indices of population in Nakhchivan for
secondary medical personnel play an exceptional part in the development of medical
service quality and its rationality in
of the health institutions in
of the level to provide health institutions with secondary medical personnel, inequality
of the settlement in different regions and institutions in Nakhchivan AR was
related to the then processes in the republic, the hard blockade situation of
the province and to the abrupt changes in demographic processes, also to
transforming a part of professionals to military-medical patterns. One of the
most important factors that bear negative impact on staffing duties was the
drawbacks in preparation and settlement of secondary medical personnel. Because
the planning of admittance to medical schools, the efficient arrangement of the
process of admittance, the proper appointment supplies of young cadres is of
great importance. Except for these, the number of students from
material and technical basis of Nakhchivan medical school didn’t afford the
cadre preparation didn’t meet standard needs. Admittance plan being poor and corresponding
graduation didn’t fill even annual loss of secondary medical personnel.
Moreover, the intensifying migration process, expansion of health net and
increase in population, opening new military-medical patterns has already
resulted in vacancies for secondary medical personnel. In 1993-1994 necessity
for secondary medical personnel was not only in
should be noted that preparation of middle skilled medical cadres with new bias
small medical educational establishment called “Shafgat” founded in Nakhchivan
attached to International Charity and Health fond started working according to
October 30, 1994, order numbered 396 by Prime Minister of Nakhchivan AR.[15]
The very year 94 students were admitted attached to “the nurse business” after whose
successful graduation the educational establishment became inactive.
to corresponding needs of the “Regulations on Education” the International Charity
and Health Fund sent documents to Azerbaijan Ministry of Education and
Azerbaijan Ministry of Health to register “Shafgat” junior educational health establishment
which train secondary medical personnel, with the bias of medicine, status of
medical school. As the existence of “Shafgat” junior educational health establishment
in the structure of the Charity and Health Fond didn’t meet the needs of the
“Regulations on Education” it was decided admissible to stop its work.
we want to note that to consider the present wide care for national medicine,
existence of all medicinal plants in the Nakhchivan AR flora, in order to
employ it thoroughly, in this case the renewal and starting educational
activity of “Shafgat” junior educational establishment, which is the only
establishment training secondary medical personnel on national medicine. Since
there will be more need for these personnel almost in everywhere, in all health
organizations, in health sanitary wings, in military hospitals.
The commission started its work for
attestation by taking special training measures as shown in existing regulations.
Head doctors of health establishments were the first informed about the rules
to hold attestation and also in large institutions, for instance, in the
Republican hospital after N.Narimanov there was held a heating discussion on this
point. Lay-out samples of necessary documents for attestation, as well the
inquests considered in the direction, were copied and sent together to the
institutions. Hence, a result can be arrived at that in
it becomes apparent from the results of the reference on the work of the
secondary medical personnel attestation commission attached to Nakhchivan AR Ministry
of Health that the attestation enlisting factors of personnel was very poor. Results
of the attestation held in 2000 were visual proof of that. The attestation
taking indices of average secondary medical workers in
¹ |
1994 |
2000 |
1 |
40,2% |
56,5% |
2 |
by Sharur region |
36,2% |
41% |
3 |
by Babak region |
32,4% |
37,6% |
4 |
by Ordubad region |
21,3% |
33,4% |
5 |
by Julfa region |
26,2% |
31,3% |
6 |
by Shahbuz region |
33,4% |
41,7% |
7 |
by Sadarak region |
28,7% |
37,3% |
obvious from the table, the enlisting factors of secondary medical personnel is
too below the standard indices.
Investigations yielded that in 1993-
calendar plans and syllabus, teaching stuff, material and technical basis of
“Tekis” college in Nakhchivan correspond to that of the state institutions and
hence the Supreme Experts Commission gave it an affirmative review.
of the issues calling attention in the period under investigation was that
there grew great need for nurses in remote villages of
situation was discussed in Nakhchivan AR Ministry of Health Board, it was taken
into account to admit graduate nurses of paying co-operative medical colleges
to posts at institutions in need of them, by way of exception, according to
April 27, 2001 dated 11/7 Order.[101] On June 6, 2000 Azerbaijan Ministry of
Health issues an order “On Ministry of Health medical schools’ activities in
1998-1999 academic years” and the order was considered as a new phase of
reforms performed to improve the training of secondary medical and
pharmaceutical cadres in medical schools.
was particularly pointed out that material and technical basis of some medical
schools was insufficient, especially at Nakhchivan medical school after Heyran
khanum the academic space for a student was much tinier than standards, the
laboratories, classes were poorly provided with utensils and visual aids. The
number of the teachers on staff at Nakhchivan medical schools is equal to
13,9%. The superiority of teachers of hour-work results in deranging the
training level of students. The subject calendar plans are poorly worked out,
even in some cases one can witness the teachers give classes without calendar
of Health Board accepted an order to discuss the drawbacks and gaps existing at
Nakhchivan medical school at masters’ meeting, the working-out of prompt
measures plan to lift them. The order had also reflected to develop
educative-cultivating issues, provision of laboratories and rooms with
equipments, staffing of teachers on staff and Nakhchivan AR Ministry of Health
and The Cadres, Science and Education Central Board of Ministry of Health of
Azerbaijan Republic President Heydar Aliyev’s order “On State Committee for reforms
in the field of Education of Azerbaijan Republic”, dated March 30, 1998, there
was founded State Committee to ensure The World Bank for capital invests to
make reforms in independent Azerbaijan educational system to meet the
international standards, to develop education and develop its material and
technical basis, to prepare the reforms Program on education. [2, P.80-81]
Hence there was established a new phase of reforms in the educational branch of
the republic. “Program of Reforms on Education of Azerbaijan Republic” worked
out in a short period of time was asserted by President Heydar Aliyev after
large considerations on June 15, 1999 [11, P.187], on a historical day-National
the very program reflecting the basis of state policy in educational field of
Azerbaijan Republic and legible strategy, prior lines of the XXI century
national educational establishment the national personnel training was pointed
out as one fo the main issues to solve. Acceleration of reforming and
construction in Nakhchivan science and education branches widely scoped at the
beginning of XXI century. So that it steadily holds the issues- the development
of education to meet modern standards, training of secondary medical cadres in
the focus of attention.
to Vasif Talibov’s order, the chairman of Nakhchivan AR National Assembly,
regarding Nakhchivan medical school’s 70 year jubilee, it has been evicted to a
three-storeyed building in Nizami street in Nakhchivan to improve its material
and technical basis, to develop the educational and training efficiency and has
been represented to students’ and teaching-staff’s utilization after capital
repairs. [7] The aggregate area of the school is
square meters of it is the share of the school building.
are 10 discipline studies, 1 computer study, a large and rich designed H.Aliyev
lecture hall, 18 classrooms, a gymnasium, an assembly hall to hold
popular-cultural acts, a library with large book stock and other subsidiary
rooms. The building has also been provided with the heating system and an
attached electric transformer. In order to improve the material and technical
basis of the school the studies have been supplied with modern visual aids,
medical appliances, new computers have been bought, and lessons are conducted
by computers in “Anatomy”, “Pediatric”, “Therapy”, “Surgery” studies.
order to minimize the secondary medical personnel requirements in Nakhchivan AR
the student admittance plan has been increased to 210 persons in 2001-2003.[15]
According to the results of test exams the admittance plan was carried out in
the following way under student admittance state committee’s 14.09.2001 dated order.
¹ |
Speciality |
plan |
Free of charge |
Paying |
admittance |
Plan |
Fact |
Plan |
Fact |
1 |
Nursing |
90 |
40 |
40 |
50 |
48 |
88 |
2 |
Therapy |
60 |
30 |
29 |
30 |
30 |
59 |
3 |
Obstetrics |
30 |
10 |
10 |
20 |
11 |
21 |
4 |
Pharmacy |
30 |
10 |
6 |
20 |
3 |
9 |
Total |
210 |
90 |
85 |
120 |
92 |
177 |
is seen from the table, the admittance was carried out with deficiency in 2001
and the planned 33 person lack. In 2002-2003, 27-31 persons were lacking in
accordance with the admittance plan that all belonged to paying groups. A
significant part of the extensive building measures taken in Nakhchivan
comprises the ones done on educational system. With regard to improving the
quality, efficiency of education in Nakhchivan there are taken measures to open
new faculties to meet proper needs.
faculty laid under our national leader Heydar Aliyev’s particular instructions,
attached to
in early 2003-2004 the faculty building was repaired on modern lines, being
supplied with experimental laboratories, computer and other utensils to improve
educational level and provide the use of visual aids.
basis of the medical faculty consists of the chairs “Principal medical
subjects”, “General medicine”, “Pediatric”, and University Clinic and oter
health institutions in Nakhchivan. There have been offered all facilities for
students to make use of
basic question for present-day sanitation is to meet needs for high-level
medical personnel in the transition period to market economy, to form sound
life-style in every public member. The duties to fulfill the above mentioned
are the followings:
To strive for to increase the admittance quantity of
students and staffing of teachers;
To intensify teaching-cultivating point at medical
school and to increase the supervision over students’ achievement indices;
To take proper measures for the supply of laboratories
and medical studies with necessary equipments and aids;
To discuss at joint-discipline commissions the topics
on syllabus every year;
To intensify supervision over teachers’ and students’ use
of modern medical literature to adapt theoretical and practical lessons to
modern methodology;
To organize doctors’ and secondary medical personnel’s
dispatch to professional courses to improve their skills in a planned and
consecutive order;
To intensify systematic supervision over
doctor-interns training process and over graduates to practice internment;
To set a task before Ministry of Health to draw young
personnel to doctors’ posts that Nakhchivan AR is in much need of;
To enlarge international ties to corporate with
foreign countries in order to profit from their educational and personnel
training probations;
To hold steady scientific-practical conferences and
seminars to increase professional knowledge and proficiency of doctors and
secondary medical personnel.
should be noted that as a result of reforms held in 1993-
great leader was on particular terms with doctors, high appreciated their
public role. He said: “Profession of a doctor is the one that requires great
loyalty to his nation and profession.” [12]
Aliyev bore particular attention together with the quantity to also the quality
of doctors. To his mind, people who work on the health of people had no rights
to err. This idea by our great leader remains as the professional
responsibility and motto of every doctor.
The list of literature
.Aghayev Z. Doctors-pediators are trained in Nakhchivan// “Sharg gapisi”-2005,
2 June.
Orders and directions of
The jubilee conference materials dedicated to the 60 year of High Pharmacological
The record office of Azerbaijan Ministry of Health, fund 2, list 2, issue 19,
papers 53-58.
The record office of Azerbaijan Ministry of Health, fund 2, list 2,issue 14,
papers 76-81.
The record office of Azerbaijan Ministry of Health, fond 2, list 24, pages
Aliyev.N. Education is the future of our nation. B.: 2002, 207 pages.
Problems on labor market and training personnel. [The problems of
scientific-practical conference] B.:2002-303 pages.
Jafarov T. Development of medicine in Nakhchivan AR. B.-”Sada”.1999-313.
Huseynov I. Independent Azerbaijan founder.B-:”Tehsil”, 2004-472 pages.
Gadirov A. The role of Heydar Aliyev’s policy in the development of
Nakhchivan AR in the statistic indicies.-B”(Sada), 1998-127 pages.
Reports on 1993-2003 of
â ðåäàêöèþ 01.04.2010 ã.