ISSN 1991-3087
Рейтинг Rambler's Top100


Педагогические и психологические аспекты учебного сотрудничества на уроках иностранного языка


Каххарова Мохигуль,

преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков Бухарского государственного университета.


Pedagogical and psychological aspects of educational cooperation at lessons foreign language


Kahharova Mokhigul,

Teacher of chair of a foreign language of Bukhara state university.


Learning of foreign language is one of basic elements of education in the modern globalized world.

In new living conditions when ample opportunities of business partnership opened, personal contacts, travel and vacation abroad, distance learning, computer training on the Internet, languages were necessary as real practical means of the international communication. And it is clear: the foreign language opens access to other culture, it is a new source of obtaining information. Practice shows that is simple to know word meaning and rules of grammar obviously insufficiently actively to use language. Data on national culture, national traditions, values, spiritual ideals and other specific phenomena which find reflection in language units are necessary.

Now at learning of foreign languages in higher education institution practical acquisition of a foreign language, i.e. formation at students of communicative competence or ability to speak according to a speech situation moves to the forefront.

For cardinal improvement of system of training of younger generation in foreign languages, the training of specialists which are fluent in them by introduction of the advanced methods of teaching with use of modern pedagogical and information and communication technologies and on this basis of creation of conditions and opportunities for their broad access to achievements of a world civilization and to world information resources, developments of the international cooperation and communication it is established that, since 2013/2014 academic years learning of foreign languages, mainly English, step by step in all territory of the republic begins with the first classes of comprehensive schools in the form of game lessons and lessons of informal conversation, and since the second class — with assimilation of the alphabet, reading and grammar; teaching in higher educational institutions of separate special subjects, especially on technical and international specialties, is conducted in foreign languages; providing pupils and teachers of the general averages, average special, professional educational institutions with textbooks and educational and methodical complexes on foreign languages is carried out on a free basis at the expense of current assets of Republican trust book fund at the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan with observance of established periods on their reprinting [1].

Today process of training in a foreign language is understood not as individual activity of the pupil with a training material and as "in a special way organized communication or a special kind of communication" [2,17] Important function of such communication at a lesson is establishment of interaction of pupils and the teacher with each other during which the problem of assignment by the school student of speech experience in language, new to them, is realized. So, process of training in a foreign language assumes interaction trained (the teacher and pupils, pupils with each other) which is understood, first of all, as their joint coordinated activity.

 Lesson of a foreign language, being the difficult act of communication, consists of simpler acts of communication and possesses all its lines. Any lesson includes such phases as installation on activity performance, orientation in its conditions, execution and control (self-checking). To each phase of communication at a concrete stage of a lesson there correspond certain actions of the teacher and pupils.

Learning efficiency of a foreign language fully depends on that, actions of the teacher and pupils are how coordinated.

If communications between activity of the teacher and pupils are broken, interaction between communicating is broken that leads to violations of activity of pupils.

Sometimes the teacher himself is the reason of such mismatch since he doesn't correlate the actions to problems of each component of a lesson, to the content of the activity which is carried out by pupils and forms of its organization.

Success of training in foreign languages depends not only on joint coordination of activity of the teacher and pupils. Plays also interaction of their persons, developing between them mutual understanding which by definition V.A. Kan-Kalik, is a commonwealth basis at a lesson large role. Therefore even in case of good vocational training of the teacher, his ability methodically expediently plan the actions the effect of training can be minimum because of not developing between it and pupils of the relations.

 According to V.A. Kan-Kalik the following styles of pedagogical training can be result of interaction of the teacher and pupils and the relations developing between them: communication on the basis of enthusiasm for joint creative activity, communication – a distance; communication – intimidation; communication – advances [4,13].

For communication – intimidation the steady aspiration of the teacher to take an initiative at a lesson, to reach a dominant position and to impose the will to pupils is characteristic. For this purpose it uses the order, censure, threat in the form of the order, notations, manuals, sometimes punishments. The organizations of educational process at such teacher are the cornerstone "the authoritative and imperative principles" (definition Sh.A.Amonashvili), and words "become the motto of its activity do as I speak to you!" In this case interaction of the teacher and pupils represents as a matter of fact simple interchange by remarks during which the teacher acts, as a rule, as the formal organizer of educational process. The external order and discipline are, as a rule, a consequence of strict check and control of pupils from the teacher. All this creates intensity in relationship between trainees and training, quite often leads to the conflicts to honey them, causes mutual hostility [2,21].

Only in the conditions of the joint creative activity of the teacher and pupils making personal sense for each of them (i.e. in the conditions of personal interaction), it develops between them the partnership relations which are shown in interrelation and interference training and trainees, in coherence of their speech acts. Such cooperation was meant by S. L. Rubenstein when wrote: "... the doctrine is thought as joint research... joint passing of that way of opening and research which brings to them" [7].

 In the conditions of a soaktivnost requests, councils, a praise, approval or benevolent censure become the main tools of the teacher. The teacher focuses attention of pupils on substantial aspect of activity, opening the purpose and motive of each task (that it is necessary to make and for what). The main form of educational activity in this case is joint enthusiasm for communicative cognitive activity, real-life communication of the teacher with children. The leading motto of their joint activity is the slogan "Act together!". As for the pupil, thanks to the favorable interpersonal relations, he doesn't feel fear to make a language mistake, to be not the witness, feels relaxedly and freely.

 Entering the cooperation relations, the teacher is guided not by functions of the child as pupil (according to whom he has to learn and answer homework), and his personality and prospects of its development. Such interaction, as a rule, is beyond educational communication and is carried out in different types of activity, stimulates practical use of a foreign language: in joint registration of bench newspapers, in preparation of group and intergroup actions in the learned language.

Thus, interaction – the coordinated activities for achievement of the joint purposes and results, for the decision by participants of a problem, significant for them, or tasks. One of psychological laws emphasizes communication of development of the personality and activity. This communication is the cornerstone of understanding of the pedagogical importance of interaction, in which and through which all difficult system of abilities – subject and practical and sincere reveals. Interaction is one of the main ways of activization of self-development and self-updating of the teenager. Its additional effect – the interindividual influence which is based on mutual understanding and a self-assessment [6,84].

 Experience of the advanced practice of training of a foreign language shows that efficiency of a lesson of a foreign language is caused, first of all ability of the teacher to create conditions and to organize situations in which pupils master language as a means of communication. Speaking about pedagogical, educational cooperation in general, it must be kept in mind existence in three those major factors of interaction of the teacher and the pupil, interaction of pupils with each other in joint educational activity and interaction of teachers in system of intersubject communications.

The ideology of training in cooperation was in details developed by three groups of the American teachers: R. Slavin from John Hopkins's university; R. Johnson and D. Johnson from university of the State of Minnesota; group E. Aronson from university of the State of California. The main idea of this technology – to create conditions for vigorous joint educational activity of pupils in different educational situations.

 Pupils different: one quickly "grab" all explanations of the teacher, easily seize lexical material, communicative abilities; it is required to another not only much more time for judgment of material, but also additional examples, explanations. Such children, as a rule hesitate to ask questions at all class, and sometimes simply and don't realize that specifically they don't understand, can't correctly formulate a question. If in such cases to unite children in small groups (on 3-4 persons) and to give them one general task, having stipulated a role of each pupil of group in performance of this task, there is a situation in which everyone is responsible not only for result of the work (that often leaves the pupil indifferent), but that is especially important, for result of all group. Therefore bad pupils try to find out at strong all questions which aren't understood by them, and strong pupils are interested in that all members of group, first of all the bad pupil, thoroughly understood material (at the same time and the strong school student has opportunity to check own understanding of a question). Thus, joint efforts liquidate gaps. Such is the general idea of training in cooperation [5].

 The lesson of a foreign language for the organization of interpersonal communication of pupils with each other has advantage before other leading subjects.

 Practice shows that together it is easier and more interesting to study not only, but also is much more effective. To study together, but it isn't simple to carry out something together – here that makes an essence of this approach.

The teacher can diversify with creative approach in relation to the pupils, but under one condition - accurate observance of the basic principles of training in cooperation. I collected and in detail E.S.Polat stated these principles in the article. We will list them:

• Groups of pupils are formed by the teacher to a lesson taking into account psychological compatibility of children. Thus in each group there have to be a strong, average and bad pupil, girls and boys. If the group at several lessons works well-coordinated, amicably, there is no need to change its players. If work for some reason aren't really glued, the players of group can be changed from a lesson to a lesson.

• The group is given one task, but at its performance cast between members of group is provided (are usually cast by pupils, but in certain cases the teacher can make recommendations).

• Work not of one pupil, but all group is estimated (i.e. a mark is given one on all group); knowledge, how many effort of pupils is estimated not so much. If during the work in group real results of everyone are estimated, nobody will want to work together with the bad pupil and he zakompleksut soon.

• The teacher himself chooses the pupil of group who has to report for a task. In some cases it can be the bad pupil (it concerns mainly linguistic, grammatical, lexical knowledge). If the bad pupil is able to state results of collaboration of group, to answer questions of other groups, so the objectives are achieved, because the purpose of any task – not its formal performance, but mastering material each pupil of group [4].

Usually at lessons of a foreign language cooperation of children is shown generally when training the dialogical speech. And even in these situations of dialogue at a lesson it is possible to observe a picture when, addressing to the partner in dialogue, the pupil looks at the teacher and actually remarks are turned to it.

 These phenomena have a psychological explanation. By the beginning of training in a foreign language children enter age at which communication with contemporaries becomes the leading activity defining the main orientation of the personality. The main interests of children of this age lie in the sphere of communication with contemporaries [3,59]. Therefore, beginning training in a foreign language, it must be kept in mind that children should be taught not only to means and ways of foreign communication, but also culture of communication.

 At interaction of the teacher with pupils, activity of the teacher represents variety of pedagogical impacts on pupils. At a lesson of a foreign language the teacher interests pupils, enters language material, explains these or those language phenomena, shows speech samples, instructs, asks questions, demands answers, will organize and directs work of pupils. This relationship of pupils and the teacher begin from the first days of school training.

 Overwhelming advantage of frontal form of education at which the main relation is "teacher pupil", and collaboration of children among themselves meets only by way of exception, becomes the reason of that together with positive experience children get also "negative". Some of children learn silently to sit, but thus not to pay attention to actions of other pupils when the teacher doesn't address to it directly, or the pupil learns attentively to look at the teacher, but thus to be silent, without understanding a question. He won't tell that didn't understand a question and won't ask it to repeat since it simply acquired: "If you can't answer, so I didn't learn a lesson and there will be a bad note". Such psychological negative consequences of behavior of the pupil demands from the teacher of a foreign language of specific pedagogical skill and practical abilities to organize and support the communication with pupils.

In interaction of the teacher and the pupil special value has the accounting of psychological regularities of formation of the leading motivation at children. The teacher has to rely on real cognitive interests and desires of pupils to communicate in English. It is the obligatory prerequisite of foreign-language speech activity, as well as any activity in general. The motivation at children can be created due to use of a wide context of the general informative and social motives of pupils (aspiration of pupils to give the correct answer, to express own opinion, to show the abilities in the face of the contemporary). In this case the teacher relies on the positive emotions of the pupil caused by a good mark [8, 28-29].

Thus, we gave the characteristic of psychological features of two types of interaction ("Teacher pupil", "pupil pupil"). The types allocated with us are connected among themselves on complexity degree. Mastering each simpler form of cooperation is an indispensable condition of successful mastering more difficult form. Therefore at lessons of a foreign language it is possible to pass to more difficult forms of types of cooperation only when rather free possession of all last ways of interaction is provided.




1.                  The resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About measures for further improvement of system of learning of foreign languages" (The “Narodnoye Slovo” newspaper, 11.12.2012, No. 240 (5630)).

2.                  Galskova N. D. About interaction of the teacher and pupils at a lesson of a foreign language. A foreign language at school,  199.

3.                  Davydov V. V. Problems of the developing training of  M., Pedagogics, 1986.

4.                  Kan-Colin V.A. For teacher about pedagogical communication. – M., 1987.

5.                  E.S chambers. Training in cooperation. A foreign language at school. – 2000.

6.                  Radionova N. F. Interaction of teachers and senior school students. Psychology and creativity.  L., 1989.


Поступила в редакцию 22.04.2015 г.


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