ISSN 1991-3087
Рейтинг Rambler's Top100


Анализ лакокрасочных материалов с помощью хроматографии


Исломова Саидахон Тургуновна,

старший научный сотрудник-соискатель кафедры менеджмента качества продукции факультета менеджмента и профессионального образования Ташкентского химико-технологического института, Узбекистан.


Analyses of paint materials by mean of gh-chromatography


Islomova Saidakhon Turgunovna,

senior scientific employee-competitor, Tashkent chemical-technological institute, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.


В статье рассмотрены проблемы идентификации лакокрасочных материалов согласно товарной номенклатуре внешнеэкономической деятельности. С помощью современных аналитических методов получены важные сведения о лакокрасочных материалах относительно химического состава, структуры, а также других органолептических, физико-химических показателей, связанных с процессом производства лакокрасочных материалов. Предложенные результаты необходимы для правильного декларирования лакокрасочных товаров. Правильное определение кода лакокрасочных товаров позволит предотвратить некоторых преступлении экономического характера и защитить безопасность экономики Узбекистана.

Ключевые слова: лакокрасочный материал, товарная номенклатура внешнеэкономической деятельности, идентификация лакокрасочных материалов, физико-химические параметры лакокрасочных материалов, QD Primer, BPR Gaz, газовая хроматография.


The article deals with the problem of identification of paints according to the commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity. By means of modern analytical methods important data of paints and varnishes of rather chemical composition are received, structures, and other organoleptic, physical and chemical parameters associated with the process of production of paints and varnishes. The proposed results are needed for the proper declaration of paint products. Proper identification code of paint products will make it possible to prevent certain crimes of economic nature and to protect the safety of Uzbekistan economy.

The Keywords: painting material, commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity, identification of paints, physic-chemical parameters of paints, QD Primer, BPR Gaz, gas chromatography.


Induction. After independence a number of changes has been emerged not only in other fields, but also in the customs system. Today our country is extensively developing diplomatic, commodity and collaboration relations between the world countries. The volume of export in many economical areas, including varnish and pain materials is increasing. This state’s firstly that the foreign economical relations (FER) of our country are getting strong; secondly it imposes a deal of responsibility on authority organizations. In this field the state customs system has great importance. The state customs system implements the control and registration of export and import goods [1].

Issues of the subject. Proper determination of international code numbers on commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity (CN of FEA) proceeding to the chemical structure of all the exporting and importing goods in international economical relations is considered one of the actual issues. Proper definition of a code of paint and varnish goods CN FEA is one of pressing problems. As a result of the analysis of the international codes of the paint and varnish goods by customs examination important data concerning a chemical compound, structures, and also other organoleptic, physical and chemical indicators connected with process of manufacture of the paint and varnish goods are obtained. To properly define a code of the paint and varnish goods affords the chance to warn possible crimes of economic character and to protect economic interests of consumers.

Methods and objects. The purpose of this research: the identification of paints produced by “Uz Dong Ju Paint Co” Joint Stock Company possessing strategic importance for our country through up-to-date method, including GC- chromatography. Suggestion new code numbers of goods on the basis of chemical structure. More than 90 % of PM exported within 2012-2015 is appropriated to the share of “Uz Dong Ju Paint CO". Paint materials exported by the company to foreign countries. In 2012-2014 paints with code number 3208109000 on practical CN of FEA produced by “Uz Dong Ju Paint Co” were exported to Russia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. [2]. We have studied two types of the characteristics of paint materials. 1. BPR Gaz. 2. QD Primer. BPR Gaz -Automobile paint. Its composition is alkyd resin; mixture of heat and environment stable pigments; used for bumpers of automobiles with transparent varnish; surface enamel padding providing higher and stable outward appearance [3]. Composition of paint BPR Gaz- alkyd resin-35%, solvent-45%, pigment-15%, additive-5%. Composition of paint QD Primer -alkyd resin-55%, solvent-30%, pigment-20%, additive-5%. QD Primer -It is included to the industrial pain group; its composition is alkyd resin; fast drying primer; used as a primer for machine parts and equipment in heavy engineering; also it is used to protect surfaces from corrosion [4]. Used instruments-Agilent Tech.7890BGCSystem, Shimadzu GC-2010 Plus [5].

The discussion of the results. By gas chromatography to study the structure of two types of paint. Also, various organic compounds defined painting material to determine the absorption bands in the chromatogram and mass spectra were taken. analysis findings are presented in the figures.


Figure 3. Analysis by (gh-chromatography).


Table 1.

Identification paint materials by gh-chromatography on the bases of chemical structure).

Name of paint

Name of substance

Time (minutes)


correlation %


















2-ethyl acrolein



1-hexene 6-chlorine



Methyl methacrylate






1-cis 9-hexadecenal



3,5 oktadiene



1-ethyl, 3-methyl cyclo pentene



2-cyclo proryl 2-nitro-1-phenyl



Butane dioic acid



1,2 benzenedicarboxylic acid





2- butane






Cyclo pentene 1-ethyl 3-methyl



Benzene propane bromide



n-butyl methacrylate



2-isobutyl ethyl acetate



Polybutyl acrylate




Conclusions. Gas-chromatography analyses allow the identification of PM; results of analyses are appropriate to Gas-chromatography analyses; the presence of organic substances possessing polymer formation property in the composition of PM; absorption band of these substances in the proper phase has been defined; consequently the role of and Gas-chromatography analyses in the identification of PM at Customs tests and FEA affairs of Customs authorities has been demonstrated practically [6]. In conclusion, it should be noted that the study of the classification of paints on the chemical composition, may clarify some controversial issues HS Uzbekistan. A can also be noted that the investigated paints classified code 3208109000 for Commodity Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Development of new product codes makes it possible to protect the economic interests and security of the economy of Uzbekistan in international relations.




1.                   Islamova S. T., Xamraqulov G’, Abdug’aniyev B. Classification of paints on the chemical composition //Bulletin of the Tashkent State Technical University. 2015. № 5. C. 200-204.

2.                   Хамракулов Г., Алимбаев С.А. Классификация и сертификация товаров на основе их химического состава. Т.: Г.Гулом, 2013. с. 25-30.

3.                   Хамракулов Г., Абдуганиев Б.Ё. Экспертиза товаров по химическому составу и качеству. Т.: Хаёт нашр, 2012. с. 38-40.

4.                   Яколев А. Д. Химия и технология лакокрасочных покрытий. Санкт-Петербург.: Химиздат, 2010. с. 7–22.

5.                   Инструкция и режим работы прибора Agilent 7890B Газовый хроматограф. © Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2013 январь 2013 г.

6.                   Islomova S.T. Identification of paints gas chromatography// Austrian Journal of Technical and Natural Sciences. 2016. №3-4. P-129.


Поступила в редакцию 30.11.2016 г.

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