Transportation cobalt (II)
ion across multicomponent liquid membranes
Гаджиева Севиндж Рафиг кызы,
доктор химических наук, профессор, зав. кафедрой
экологической химии,
Егана Гияс кызы,
аспирантка кафедры экологической химии, зав.
лабораторией общей и неорганической
Элгуль Алиага кызы,
НИИ Геотехнологических проблем нефти, газа и
Бакинский государственный университет.
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It has been prepared multicomponent liquid
membrane on the base of 6-methyl-dibenzo-18-Crown –6 (CW) for transportation of
cobalt (II) in precence of ion and kations.
Liquid membrane experiments were performed with
systematically varried liquid membrane compositions including
6-methyl-dibenzo-18-Crown-6 ether as carrier (I) and various ratios of ethylene chloride and a C33 carbon a
liphatic oil. The partitioning of macrocyclic ether samples toward the mambrane
phase increased markedly with ethylene chloride addition to the aliphatic oil.
Theese experimental datas focus attention upon
the important practical problems of non-infinite partitioning of carrier
between the mambrane phase and the contiguous aqueous phase.
The preparation of stable membranes depends
upon a delicate balanc between the rheological properties of the oil and the
stabilizing surfactant selected for formulation [1-4] suitable oil phases, which may dissolve adequate concentration.
It has been develople multicomponent liquid
membrane on the base of Crown ether (CW) for transportation of cobalt (II) in precence of ion of
macroheterocycle, may undergo excessive partitioning of the carrier and carrier
complexes toward the aqueous phase thereby markedly reducing the residual
concentration of carrier in the relativly low volume “membrane” phase.
It is better to transfer heavy metal to anion
complex form II and transport it using macrocyclic compound I.
It has been shown that in precence of or cations crown ether is
formin carrier complexes III with ion which is
transported across multicomponent liquid membranes.
The results reported here are confined to
liquid membrane experiments which define the effects of several compositional
variables on the detailed properties characterizing the transport of anion
coplex of cobalt (II) across multicomponent liquid menbranes.
Experimental methods
Reagent grade NH4SCN, ethylene
chloride were used as received. Other chemicals were obtained from the Merk
Company. 6-methyl-dibenzo-18-Crown-6 ether (CW) was obtained From laboratory
“Chemical Reagens and sensors” of State oil academy (
Deionized water was obtained by passing tap
water throgh water Purifier.
The solvent oil was Kindly provided bythe
research institut of additives (National Academy of Sciences,
The density at 20°C is 0,8705.
Analytical methods
Cobalt concentration was determined by atomie
absorption spectroscopy with a Perkin Elmer 603 spectrophotometer.
[Co(SCN)4]2- was determined by ultraviolet spectroscopy. The extinction coefficients
determined by direct calibration in water containing [Co(SCN)4]2- solutions was 1,82´104cm-1m-1
at 352 nm.
The extinction coefficient in ethylene chloride
was determined to be 1,79´104cm-1m-1
by determining the absorbance at 366 nm of macroheterocycle-containing ethylne
chloride extracts from aqueous [Co(SCN)4]2- solutions. The concentration in ethylene
chloride phase was determined by difference between the initial and final
aqueous phase concentrations attending the extraction.
Results and discussion
The transport of [CoSCN]2- ion from (NH4)2[Co(SCN)4]
solutions across 6-methyl-dibenzo-18-Crown-6 containing liquid membranes was
studed as function of ethylene chloride and 6-methyl-dibenzo-18-Crown-6
concentrations in the oil. The [Co(SCN)4]2- counterion was selected since it has been reported
that the transport of the [Co(SCN)4]2- -containing complex was very high [1].
Within a very conprehensive set of data
describing the ffect of anion type on the transport of various kobalt coplexes
across Crown ether containing liquid membranes an eighth order ov magnitude
variation in transport rate has been reported by Lamb et al×[2] for the carrier-faciliated transport of metal ion through bulk liquid
membranes containg dibenzo-18-Crown-6 ether.
The transport kinetics of [Co(SCN)4]2- anion are presented in the plots of figure 1, which describe the effect
of Crown etheraddition to the oil phase of liquid membrane containing 12%
percent (weight) ethylene chloride in the 33 carbon atom aliphatic oil.
In the absence of Crown compound, virtually no [Co(SCN)4]2- ion is transported. Bisides, in absence of and ions also no [Co(SCN)4]2- ion is transported. These results clearly demonstrates and explains the
role of a Carrier (Crown ether I)
and and ions in facilitating
the transfer of anion complex of cobalt II across oil membranes. The other plots which describe the effect of
Crown ether addition to the oil phase reveal that although a maximum of 5% of
the amonia initially present upstream has been transported across the membrane,
the ion transport is clearly unstable state, characterized
[Co(SCN)4]2- ´10-3m (downsstrlam datas).
Figure. The effect ox 6-methyl-dibenzo-18-Crown-6
concentratration in the liquid membrane on the kinetics describin the membrane
transport of (NH4)2[Co(SCN)4]
[C2H4Cl2]= 12 wt%
o [cw]= 10 wt%
D [cw]=12 wt %
[cw]= 2 wt%
g [cw] = 0.
by a
continhously decreasing rate of transport even though the concentration
transport should only drop by a maximum presence of 10 percent Crown ether I should be linear with a
slope 5 times lager than the slope of the corresponding plot characterizing
transport in the presence of 2weight percent Crown ether I.
This expectation is based upon the assumption that
Crown ether I is mobile and rapidly complexed. With amonia –or potassium tetra
rodanidekobalt at the feed ing membrane aqueous solution interference.
It is further implicitly assumed that partitioning of
the Crown ether species between the oil and aqueous phase is essentially
instantaneous and invariant with time or Crown concentration.
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Поступила в редакцию
13.01.2010 г.